The best way to become a master of your craft (besides, well, actually practicing it) is to follow people who are sharing helpful information about it. We’ve put together the following list of people who share excellent information about the wood floor industry and contracting in general:
Kim Wahlgren of Wood Floor Business: Kim is the editor at Wood Floor Business. Check out the Wood Floor Business for useful resources such as a “Content Toolbox” full of everything you need to know as a contractor, and multiple types of blogs. We did a recent Q&A with Kim in which she provided useful insight into industry trends.
Darren Slaughter of DarrenSlaughter dot Com: An internet marketer who focuses specifically on building websites and content for contractors, Darren shares helpful information on his blog –an excellent, free resource if you’re interested in marketing your contracting company on the internet (which you should be!).
Keith Long of Thunderheart Flooring: In his posts on Wood Floor Magazine’s Contractor Blog, Keith shares detailed information about jobs he’s done, including pictures and step-by-step instructions to help you learn from his experiences, making him an excellent expert to follow. Keith also provides useful advice about the business side of being a contractor. Check out Keith’s recent blog about integrity as a wood floor contractor.
Jason Spangler of Wagner Meters: Wagner Meters is always sharing useful information about
Brett Miller of the National Wood Flooring Association: Brett is VP of certification and education at the NWFA. You can stay in the loop about new NWFA training events by following Brett’s blogs Wood Floor Business website, and hone your skills by attending the events.
Joe Glavin of City Floor Supply: Of course, our very own Joe Glavin is an excellent person to follow. He appears in numerous helpful videos on our YouTube channel and is our resident in-house expert who’s always willing to share information to help out wood floor contractors. Subscribe to our blog and our YouTube channel to get the most out of Joe’s knowledge.