Why is the Hummel the standard for hardwood floor contractors? Why is it the go-to belt sander for most hardwood floor professionals?
The Lagler Super Hummel is on sale throughout the month of September 2018 as part of our Sport Floor Special – click here to learn more and take advantage of this sale!
The Hummel on sale this month is the bigger version of the standard 8” machine––the Super Hummel, which is 12”. Good for sanding sports floors and other areas with a lot of square footage to cover. The Super Hummel is a great machine and one of our best sellers.
This is a durable machine which can last and perform well for decades if you take steps to maintain it properly. It can be very aggressive to help you get the most stubborn finishes off of a floor with ease, as well as getting the floor nice and level for finer sanding.
Use the “start” mode to get the machine up to speed quickly. Then release it and change it to “working” mode. Use the “test” mode to check your belt to ensure that it’s not vibrating too much and to check the tracking. Drum pressure can be easily adjusted with a simple lever––choose between heavy, medium, and fine.
The guide roller on the front of the machine keeps it from hitting the wall. This guide roller is fully adjustable.
The belt changing process is very efficient, so you can change your paper quickly and easily while you’re on a jobsite.
The Hummel’s dust pickup is exceptional, so you can provide your clients with “dust-free” sanding jobs.
The Lagler Super Hummel is on sale throughout the month of September 2018 as part of our Sport Floor Special – click here to learn more and take advantage of this sale!