Our latest project, Mike’s Discount Wood Warehouse, is almost ready to launch! We’re stocking up and the warehouse is quickly filling up with high-quality wood floors for low prices. In the coming weeks we’ll have more information on sizes, species, and colors. If you’d like early access to more information on what’s available, call us at (800) 737-1786.
The idea is to offer high-quality wood floors at closeout prices. You can provide your clients with quality wood floors at a fraction of the price from big names like Stoehr and more to be announced!
Our aim is to release two new deals per week, which we will post about on our Facebook and Instagram pages once they are ready for purchase.
Click the links below to view our first two deals!

Floor #1: Stoehr Monogram Country Casual Red Oak Burnished Leather ($2.99/sq. ft) – Available here

Floor #2: Stoehr Monogram Country Casual Red Oak Natural ($2.79/sq. ft) – Available here
Call us at (800) 737-1786 for more information on what’s available!