We had this video go viral on YouTube and reddit. It brought us into the spotlight for a few days….This was interesting because we never intended for it to happen. It was just a standalone piece of content that someone saw and was interested in and shared, and it gained traction across the web, bringing us new admirers from unexpected places.
The video that went viral was a segment of the gym line taping machine being used during a video we shot in 2016 during the renovation of the Strawberry Mansion PAL gymnasium.
Check out this clip which spread around the internet like wildfire.
The importance of digital marketing for your floor contracting business
The takeaway here is that digital marketing is so important. Any content that you put out on the internet can be picked up in a bunch of different ways that you never thought were possible, allowing you to promote your brand in unexpected ways. But even if it never goes viral, you still have a chance to connect with potential customers.
Creating video content for your hardwood floor contracting business is going to become increasingly important moving forward. YouTube is the second-largest search engine, right after Google. Publishing videos on a consistent basis can help you connect with homeowners who may be searching for services like yours, turning to video content which will answer any questions they may have about the process of getting their floors refinished or new floors installed, and other common questions.
You can get ahead of the curve and attract these people by building content centered around the frequently asked questions you get on the job. Be in the business of educating your customers and potential customers and your marketing efforts will pay off.
It’s important to have a digital marketing strategy for your contracting company. This is one of the things that can really help your company succeed and move on to the next level in 2019.
So start creating content to put out there. You never know what might take you viral, or at least connect you with your ideal customers.