How to Replace the Pad on a Clarke 7R Edger

Are you looking to replace the pad on your Clarke 7R Edger? Watch the video above or read the steps outlined below.

  • Use a large screwdriver to secure the vacuum fan by placing the screwdriver into the fan.
  • Use a spanner wrench to loosen the pad. Tap the spanner wrench counter-clockwise because the pad has a right-handed thread. A couple of quick hits to the spanner wrench should free the pad to be spun off.
  • On the 7R Edger you have to be careful not to damage the pinion gear. The pinion gear is a left-handed thread. If you place a lot of pressure on the pad to turn it off you can accidentally take off the pinion gear and you will not be able to remove the pad.
  • Install the new pad by rotating it clockwise.
  • Use a board to adjust the casters. The 7R Edger casters are independent of each other. This means you must adjust the right and left casters to be level.
  • Once the caster adjustment has been finished, you must dress the pad on medium grit sandpaper. New edger pads are factory cut on the right angle, but the pad must still be dressed to the machine.

If you have any questions about replacing the pad on a Clarke 7R Edger, feel free to contact us at City Floor Supply. We can be reached at (800) 737-1786. To purchase a Clarke 7R Edger, click here. To buy replacement pads, click here.

4 thoughts on “How to Replace the Pad on a Clarke 7R Edger

    1. City Floor Supply Post author

      If you are referring to the “Spanner Wrench” as a double sided wrench then yes it definitely makes it easier. You could get away with a screw driver and isolating the exhaust fan from moving. Need to be very careful that the Pinion gear does not get loosened as it is a left handed thread. Good Luck


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