Note: The following article is not intended to provide medical advice. Click here for the latest CDC information and recommendations regarding COVID-19.
If you’re going into people’s homes to complete jobs, you want to be as respectful of health guidelines as possible. You can even risk having your jobsite shut down by local authorities if you don’t adhere to safety guidelines regarding COVID-19. Local ordinances may vary, but generally the following tips can apply to most situations:
- Wear masks. The good thing is you probably already have these on hand for refinishing, and if not, a mask with two or more layers will do, according to the CDC. The mask should cover your nose and mouth. Make sure that your employees all have them, and make sure you’re wearing them at all times, including when interacting with your clients.
- Enforce social distance measures between you, your clients, and your team. Make sure there are 6 feet in between everyone as much as possible, while your crew is working and taking breaks. Certain locales may even have ordinances regarding how many people can be on a jobsite at one time based on the square footage of the space, so make sure to adhere to those guidelines if there are any.
- Purchase multiple tools to minimize sharing. Minimize sharing of tools and equipment as much as possible to mitigate the risk of potential transmission. Have multiples of essential tools like nailers, edgers, and applicators on hand for your employees to use. It’s good to have multiples of these products on hand regardless because it helps to speed up the process of getting the job done!
- Make hand sanitizer readily available. Certain locales require you to have a handwashing station or hand sanitizer pumps on site for all employees. Try to stock up and have a ton of hand sanitizer available for everyone on the job site.
- Have your crew self-monitor for symptoms and stay home if they feel sick. It might slow you down if one of your crew is sick and they have to stay home, but this is much better than them potentially infecting the rest of your crew and even your client and their family members.
The situation is fluid, but some simple guidelines like this should keep you on the right track in dealing with this situation. Keep checking the CDC website as well as your local health department website for updates and the latest recommendations for keeping yourself, your crew, and your clients safe during this time.