Nailer Day 2023 Recap

This year’s Nailer Day, held on March 16th, was an incredible event that brought together professionals and enthusiasts from the hardwood flooring industry. As with previous years, the event was filled with excitement, camaraderie, and friendly competition. With an outstanding turnout of over 100 attendees, the atmosphere was buzzing with energy and anticipation.

The highlight of Nailer Day, as always, was the Fastest Nailer contest. This competition, which tests participants’ skills in nailing down 6 rows of 3/4″ solid 2-1/4” wide red oak as quickly and accurately as possible, attracted a diverse group of competitors. From seasoned veterans to ambitious newcomers, everyone came prepared to show off their talents and vie for the prestigious title of “Fastest Nailer.”

This year’s winner may shock you!

Fastest Nailer Contest Winners

Rob O'Connell - Fastest Nailer Winner 2023

Rob O’Connell of O’Connell’s Custom Concept re-claimed his top spot! He took 1st place with a time of 3:17! This was his 8th Nailer Day win and his first one since 2018!

Second Place: Daniel Nunes (3:41)

Third Place: Gustavo Martins (4:36)

Team Winners: Daniel Nunes & Luciano Mirando (2:10)

Manual Winner: Luciano Mirando (5:09)

Amateur: Miguel Barradas (CFS) (5:20)

This year, everyone who nailed received a City Floor Supply swag bag, and all attendees received a free Fastest Nailer t-shirt!

Vendors and excellent door prizes

Nearly 20 vendors from the NWFA, Bona, Basic Coatings, Loba, and more were on-site. They showed off their latest advancements and innovations. Many participants took advantage of the opportunity to network with fellow professionals and learn valuable tips and tricks to improve their craft.

Our vendors generously supplied some great door prizes – among them were 4K HD TVs from American Sanders and Loba; a Solo Stove Fire Pit from Bostik; brand-new nailers from PowerNail and Primatech; a Yeti Cooler from PoloPlaz; a $500 product credit from Bona; a free NWFA membership, and much more!

Already looking forward to the next Nailer Day!

Overall, Nailer Day was a roaring success, solidifying its status as a highly anticipated annual event for professionals in the hardwood flooring industry. This year’s event not only provided a platform for skilled contractors to showcase their abilities but also fostered a sense of community and collaboration among everyone who attended. With such a fantastic turnout and an unforgettable experience, we eagerly look forward to next year’s Nailer Day and the continued growth of this fantastic tradition.

Thanks to everyone who attended this year’s event – we truly couldn’t do this without you, and we look forward to seeing you again next year!

2 thoughts on “Nailer Day 2023 Recap

  1. Richard Miller

    What all those boys in Texas want to know how many square feet is six rows and if you have a gymnasium striping competition

    1. City Floor Supply Post author

      This year contestants nailed 19.89 sq ft (106 LFT) which was 6 full rows plus the finish of a few boards on the 7th row. A competition for the gym floor guys sounds interesting, maybe something to think about for a future event!


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