Oneida DCS Live Demo and Q&A

Watch the live video we recorded on our Facebook page above!

During the Oneida Demo Day at CFS Headquarters on 11/16, Oneida Rep Guy Bergamo answered different questions that people had about Oneida equipment. We also went live on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to demonstrate the equipment live and answer questions in real time.

Here are some of the topics we covered in this live demo video, along with timestamps for where each appears in the video:

– Replace the Hummel handle with the Oneida handle (1:22 minutes in)
– Run the Hummel with the Cobra and Vortex (7:53)
– Clean the filters (12:41)
– Monitor the dust levels in the Cobra dust collection bin (14:55)
– Open up the Cobra (18:51)
– Change the bag (19:53)
– Run the Cobra with a Clarke B2 Edger (23:39)
– How to transport your Oneida DCS (30:31)
– Different machines you can use with this DCS (31:22)
– Using the Oneida Dust Deputy with a Festool tank vacuum (32:34)
– Using the Oneida DCS with the FloorCrafter (35:19)

One of the joys of live videos is that you can ask us questions and give us feedback on the fly! We were happy to get a lot of questions during this video. We encourage you to tune in live so that you can get your questions answered live, too!

Some of the questions people submitted included (along with the timestamps when we answered the questions:

Can you run the Hummel and an edger together with the Oneida DCS? (29:29)
Can you use the Oneida Dust Deputy with an edger? (30:11)
What are the best ways to transport the Oneida Cobra? (30:31)
Can you use Clarke and Galaxy machines with the Oneida Vortex? (31:15)

The Oneida Advantage

We love the Oneida DCS because it has amazing dust pickup. You will leave the place with cleaner air than the air was when you first got there due to the HEPA filters that the Oneida DCS uses.

There are several advantages to using the Oneida DCS system:

Save time and money. 

When you’re using a typical dust containment system, there is usually a drop in suction after 10 minutes of sanding, which means that you’re leaving behind more material. This makes your abrasives work harder, wearing them down more readily. By capturing dust and debris straight at the source, the Vortex prevents your abrasives from heating up excessively, therefore helping them last longer and saving you money. In this way, the Oneida DCS helps you preserve the lifetime of your vacuum.

Make less of a mess.

Your clients will love you for this. If you take a look at the video above (especially when we run it with an edger around 30 minutes in, you’ll see that we poured dust directly on the floor and the system picked it right up. Thanks to the Oneida DCS, we actually left the floor cleaner than it was before we started edging!

The Vortex doesn’t require you to fiddle with messy cloth bags or expensive trailers. Dust is captured right at the source and stored up to 100 feet away in convenient disposable bags for worry-free dust containment.

Deliver on your promise of dustless or “less dust” sanding a reality for your clients (which will win you big points with a lot of clients and potential clients.)

Earn Double Points on the Oneida DCS for a limited time

For the week of  11/20/17 – 11/26/17, earn double CFS Rewards Points when you purchase the Oneida DCS from City Floor Supply! Click here to save on this time-saving, money-saving system while supplies last!

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