A rider floor sander assembly is a necessary investment when sanding large projects such as sport floors. That’s why we offer City Floor Supply Gym Floor Rider packages.
A floor rider may look like an imposing machine, but don’t let that scare you. Its value is immeasurable.
Your competitors might already have riders
If you try to sand a sport floor like a maple basketball court with a standard 8″ or 12” floor sander, you’ll end up with employees who are overworked and customers who are asking why the job is taking so long. To put it bluntly, a single, standard 8″ or 12” floor sander isn’t as efficient as a floor rider and therefore not as profitable.
The efficiency obtained from a Rider Sander is how most large bid projects are priced. There is a solid chance that those you are bidding against will be using this type of equipment.
What goes into a CFS Rider
A floor rider isn’t one piece of equipment that is made by a manufacturer. It’s a machine that is composed of a Rider cart and two twelve inch sanders. The sanders can be either drum or belt sanders depending on your preference, and we offer three different rider packages so you can still use your preferred sander: the American Sanders 12, Lagler Super Hummel, and the Galaxy BD 12.
The sanders must be altered from their original form in order to be used in conjunction with the cart. When you order a floor rider from City Floor Supply, our on-site shop mechanics are the ones who make those modifications. They add extended handle tubes and control rods, poly v pulleys, hook up brackets to each of the sanding machines, and can upgrade the modification to run 3phase 10HP motors. You may have already experienced the outstanding quality of work from our
You already know how much dust is produced during residential sanding. Now imagine sanding a whole basketball court! That’s why the floor rider comes equipped with a dual ram horn dust elbow for a dust bag to attach to. (City Floor sells larger sander bags with zippers that allow for additional dust capacity.) Add an extra set of Ram Horns and you will quadruple your ability to collect dust. The floor rider can also be outfitted with a dust containment system if desired. Either way, some sort of dust containment solution is available to use in conjunction with the rider.
Your rider will make every aspect of sanding floors much easier
The floor rider can drive forward and in reverse. The is done via a pedal on the cart. The machine has a hydrostatic transmission; it moves forward or backwards depending on whether the mechanic pushes the pedal forwards or backwards.
You can easily drive the machine down for a pass and then go in reverse to make another pass. The floor rider moves at a jogging pace — in other words much faster than someone walking a single floor sander.
The CFS Rider package comes with everything you need
There are some other features and equipment used in conjunction with the floor rider. One feature is the extended cord hook that keeps all the cables away from the machine as it runs. The wheels on the cart can be locked for easier transport. We also supply 250 feet of non-marking yellow cable for the rider.
Learn more about our sander riders
A floor rider is an absolutely essential piece of machinery for use with sanding sports floors. It is an absolute time saver that more than pays for itself in the long run. You’ll be able to sand an entire gymnasium floor in a shorter amount of time than compared to traditional walk behind methods.
Click on the links to read more information on the different models of CFS Riders we offer:
American 12 Rider
Lagler Super Hummel Rider
Galaxy BD 12 Rider
If you’re interested in a CFS Rider, call us at 1-800-737-1786 or email info@cityfloorsupply.com to speak with an expert.
A riding sander set up is a must have in the Sports Flooring Industry. To be competative in a VERY competative business, a contractor needs one of these; it’s an absolute must have. How does one get a job in the trades? They bid for it usually. The foundation for structuring ANY bid/quote is time and material. It would take a contractor using an 8″ walk behind sander 2-3 times the amount of time/labor it would take a contractor using a rider to sand a floor. With that being said, the contractor using the walk behind won’t even have a chance to get the job come bid day; the owner may even reject your bid.
If being a sport flooring contractor is something to be considered… The only way to be successful in the sports flooring industry is to own one of these.
I have had my rider for about 18 years, and it is still running strong, thanks to the best repair shop in town. In my opinion, there is no other way to sand a gymnasium floor.
Imagine it being the first week of August, you still have 100,00 feet of floor to sand before school starts, and you have a break down. There is only one place you need to go.
The repair shop at PFS will get you up and running, because they understand what you’re up against. I may be mistaken, but I think that my rider was the first one that they
sold! Millions of square feet later, the rider is still running strong… thanks to the crew at Philadelphia Floor Store.
After having a Rider stolen on a job in Tucson Arizona, we were desperately looking for a new Rider to continue working. I happened to come across Philly floors on the internet and their salesman Jim. We could not have asked for anything better. The communication was excellent and they did all they could to help us get up and going again quickly. The new Rider works fantastic and we had a great experience with this company. We will absolutely do business with them again. Thanks Jim and Philly Floors!
Philly Floor’s Service Department is undoubtedly the best. From honestly to knowledge, we could not ask for anything more. They truly know what it takes to survive in our business. They turn our equipment over quickly and perfectly every time! Thank you Team Philly Floor!
I am interested in a rider sanding machine set up.
I sand gym floors with 8″ Hummel we have two of them I’m interested in a rider sand tho
Hi Danny,
Thanks for your comment – our Clarke American rider package is actually on sale this month. You can view it here: https://www.cityfloorsupply.com/c/specials/-/sport-floor-special-2/5689