3 Advantages of the Galaxy Omega 8 Belt Sander

The Galaxy Omega 8 Belt Sander gives you the biggest bang for your buck compared to other hardwood floor sanders of its size.

Here are some features of the machine, along with the advantages you’ll get for investing in the Omega 8.

More Power

The Galaxy Omega 8 is one of the most powerful 8” hardwood floor sanders on the market. While most sanders run on 4.5 to 5 horsepower, this machine’s motor operates on 7 horsepower.

That makes the Omega 8 sixty percent more powerful than your average belt sander of the same size. And its heavy build contributes to an even more aggressive cut.

These features combine to give you more torque and overall better performance out of your belt sander. That’s value.

Easier Maintenance

Performing regular maintenance on your belt sander is essential. Wouldn’t it be great if your machine could somehow make it easier for you?

The Omega 8’s design does just that. Cast aluminum covers for the belt and pulley system come off without the use of tools, allowing you quick access to vital areas of the machine.

Since checking up on your machine is easier with the Omega 8, you’ll be more likely to do it as often as you should, helping you prolong the life of your sander.

More Control

The Omega 8 gives you more control than you’re probably used to.

There’s a tension knob located on the top of motor for quick adjustments of the poly-v pulleys, knobs on the front of the machine to adjust the belt tracking, and a cord holder that you can move to either side of the machine.

There are five drum pressure settings, which you can change easily using the drum pressure lever. You can lighten each one of the notches by pulling up on the back pressure spring, giving you virtually infinite drum pressure settings.

That’s just about all the control you need to adjust your sander for the demands of each and every jobsite.

Watch the video above to see the Galaxy Omega 8 Belt Sander in action. Click here to view the Galaxy Omega 8 Belt Sander in our online store, where you can shop 24/7.

For more information on the Galaxy Omega 8 Belt Sander, get in touch with City Floor Supply at (610) 940-5757 or info@cityfloorsupply.com.

Shop our full line of belt floor sanders and the compatible floor sanding belts.

2 thoughts on “3 Advantages of the Galaxy Omega 8 Belt Sander

  1. Andre Herera

    In this article, I found some informative idea about GALAXY OMEGA 8 BELT SANDER.This regular player breaks the fashion of ordinary belt sanders and cuts with aggression. As with all Galaxy sanders, the Omega 8 has been engineered with the excellent balance of drum pressure and drum speed to improve its overall appearance.Lovely sharing.

  2. Jash Smith

    your article is great, I am pretty much a Wood Worker and I was very interested in the tools…I love them and have most of the ones you talked about. Would even like a little more information about how to use some of them. Your step by step explanation is very helpful to choose a good one.
    Great JOB!


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