6 Hot Ideas for Reclaimed Hardwood Floors

Recycled materials are hip in the interior design industry right now, so reclaimed hardwood floors are trendier than ever.

Reclaimed lumber is great for the environment because it encourages the use of materials that would otherwise go to waste.

Reclaimed wide plank floors bring a unique rustic charm into any space. This ability is virtually unmatched by any other floor covering on the market.

If you’re looking to incorporate hip and environmentally friendly elements into your next construction or design project, reclaimed floors are the way to go. Here are 6 trendy ways to use reclaimed hardwood floors:

#1: Go for a barnyard chic style in your living room, den, or family room with barn wood flooring

6 Hot Ideas for Reclaimed Hardwood Floors

Since a large percentage of reclaimed hardwood floors are repurposed from old barns, they would fit right into a rustic family area. Barn wood flooring works especially well when the room has a stone wall or fireplace.

Click here to read the rest of this post on the blog of our sister company, Wide Plank Floor Supply.

One thought on “6 Hot Ideas for Reclaimed Hardwood Floors

  1. sewnt

    My wife is a very eco-friendly person. I will show this blog to her. She would really like this blog and the various ideas given in it especially the reclaimed lumber one.


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