7 Pieces of Equipment You Need to Compete in the Gym Floor Market

7 Pieces of Equipment You Need to Compete in the Sports Floor Market

Whether you’re a contractor trying to break into the gym floor installation and finishing market for the first time or you’re just looking to up your game, your equipment can make or break your success. It’s important to have the right selection of machines for each and every job.

Here are 7 pieces of equipment every contractor needs in order to effectively compete in the gym floor market. How many of them do you have in your arsenal?

  • A CFS Rider will enable you to keep up with your competitors by sanding the floors as fast as you possibly can. When it comes to sanding gym floors, a standard 8” or 12” sander just won’t cut it. This is especially the case when your competitors have sander riders, which they can factor into their lower prices and shorter timelines. With the CFS Rider, you can cover many more square feet per hour than is possible with a standard sander, allowing you to drastically cut your costs. This is an absolutely necessary piece of equipment for anyone looking to compete in the cutthroat sports floor market. Read more about the CFS Rider.

  • American Sanders RS-16 buffer — The RS-16 is basically the industry standard as far as buffers go, and for good reason. This machine has a powerful motor that can provide a very aggressive cut when you need it. What’s more, the dust control model of the RS-16 (the RS-16 DC) allows you to Clarke RS-16 Buffer hook the buffer up directly to a vacuum system like the ProTeam Super Coach to create a dustless buffing system. This ability is so important to have when working in areas that cater to vulnerable populations, such as schools. For all of these reasons and more, the Clarke RS-16 DC is an overall smart choice for gym floor contractors.

  • A court line tape machine — To ensure crisp, beautiful and––most importantly––accurate court lines every time, this gym line taping machine is definitely the way to go. It’s as simple as setting up the machine and guiding it along the floor to produce straight lines and accurate arcs quickly and easily.
  • An edger — Edging is a vital part of the sanding process whether you’re working in someone’s home or installing a gym floor. An edger enables you to sand corners and hard-to-reach spaces like the flooring underneath radiators. For this job, we recommend taking a look at different edgers and choosing one based on your specific needs. Some of the more popular models we stock include the Clarke 7R, Lagler Elan, and the Bona Edge. Click here to view all of the gym floor edgers we offer.

  • The Lagler Trio is planetary sander that’s an absolute must-have for every contractor. This machine is perfect for multidirectional floors like parquet, and great for correcting mistakes left behind by your big machine and buffer. The Trio’s cut is delicate yet aggressive enough to give you a perfect finish every time. It’s especially important to have these capabilities when you’re sanding an area as large as a gym or sport floor because any mistakes you make will be much more prominent on a larger floor. Click here to read about the helpful features of the Lagler Trio.

  • Booster Box

    The voltage booster box lets you go long!

    Booster Box — This is a three-phase voltage booster that really allows you to get the most out of your equipment. It’s especially important to have this on jobsites with a large amount of square footage, such as a gymnasium, because it allows you to draw a steady stream of power from your equipment no matter how far away you are from your power source. When you use the Booster Box, you won’t have to worry about voltage drops as you move across the floor, which could affect your sanding performance and could even damage your motor.

  • Moisture meter — Measuring the moisture content of the wood planks and the substrate are integral to a successful installation. When you’re dealing with square footage as big as a gym, things can get ugly if the moisture levels are even a little bit off. To prevent mishaps, it’s important to have a few moisture meters on hand. We recommend the Delmhorst JX-30 for measuring the moisture content of the wood itself and the Wagner Rapid RH L6 for testing the moisture level of a concrete slab. Both are accurate and very easy to use. Also remember to acclimate the floors before you install them in order to prevent moisture problems. Browse our full collection of pin and pinless moisture meters.

These are just a few pieces of hardwood flooring equipment you need to compete in the sports floor market. If you have all of them, you’ll be able to handle almost anything that comes your way. For more ideas on things you need to add to your repertoire, check out our extensive selection of gym floor equipment and gym floor finishing products.

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