Belt Sander Maintenance Tips for Problem Prevention

Belt sander maintenance tips

If your big machine can’t run, you can’t do your job as a hardwood floor contractor. And one of the biggest ways to get your sander to stop working is to not take proper care of it.

Here are some belt sander maintenance tips to prevent big problems from arising.

Pay attention to the belts.

The abrasive belt protects the drum from debris, so you should leave it on when your sander is not in use. But it’s essential to loosen the belt whenever you step away from the sander. This applies whether you’re leaving the machine for a lunch break, or if you won’t be using it for a few days.

As for the V- belts, they heat up when in use, making the material malleable. Reducing the belt tension prevents it from taking the shape of the sander’s pulley system while it’s still warm, which could cause chatter marks when you use the machine again.

It’s also important to make sure you maintain the right amount of V-belt tension while you’re using the sander. If the V-belt is too loose, it can slip. If the belt is too tight, it will wear out more quickly.

Use an air hose to blow out the drum after every job.

Compressing the sander while there’s debris and dust inside the drum can damage the machine.

After each job you should remove the drum cover and blow out the debris that has built up. Focus especially on the fan system and motor.

Making a habit of blowing out the debris from your machine will help keep it running smoothly for a long time.

Be mindful of the wheels.

While storing your sander, keeping it lifted up off the wheels will prevent them from developing flat spots.

You should also regularly inspect the rear castors for debris and wear. Debris can damage the finish of the floor you’re working on. The sander’s constant pivoting motion wears the castors flat, making it more difficult for them to spin as time goes on.

Inspect the plugs.

If the cables or plugs aren’t working properly, you run the risk of damaging components in the motor.

To prevent this from happening, routinely inspect the male and female parts of the sander’s cord.

Look for splash (burn) marks and discoloration on the prongs, which indicates a problem with the wiring. You should also look out for frays and cables that can’t be untwisted.

If you find cuts in a cable, replace it. Tape should only be used as a temporary repair.

Check the drive belt for any cracks, frays, or general wear and tear.

If you find any damage or areas of extreme wear on your belt, it’s time to buy a replacement. A belt that’s rough or cupped instead of smooth is also in need of replacement.


For more information on properly maintaining your belt sander to prolong its life, contact City Floor Supply at (800) 787-1786 or to speak with a machine shop professional.

5 thoughts on “Belt Sander Maintenance Tips for Problem Prevention

  1. Taylor Bishop

    I wanted to thank you for explaining how a belt sander should be maintained. I didn’t know that ti’s important to blow out debris from your machine to make it run smoothly. I’m kind of interested to learn if this should be done with other types of machinery, like grinders, or if it depends on how they function.

    1. City Floor Supply Post author

      We recommend blowing every type of sanding machines that we sell. You may want to check the operators manual for other machines for the manufacturers cleaning instructions.


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