Gym Floor Maintenance Tips

Gym Floor Maintenance Tips

Have you ever walked into a school gym and noticed how great the basketball court looks? The floor finish is high gloss and all the lines are crisp. If you would like a gym floor like that, give these tips a read and take notes on what you need to do to keep your gym floor performing at its best. 

Understanding how to properly take care of the floor and knowing what to watch for is important for facility managers, school administrators, coaches, gym teachers and other staff who oversee their gym. A gym floor that gets a lot of foot traffic needs regular cleaning and maintenance. 

Use the right products

Keeping your gym floor in great condition can be a tedious task. The first step is to ensure you are using quality products. It is also important once a week to go over with a product like Squeaky Clean to prevent build up. This will help maintain sheen and traction to keep the floor looking and performing at its best between coats.

Take a walk

Taking care of your gym floor involves more than just mopping or sweeping with a broom. It also requires you to walk the floor and check for dirt, spills, and grit left by general use, mats, and equipment.

It’s important to take a few minutes before classes begin to walk the floor and clean anything up that might have spilled or any dust, dirt, or grit on the floor. Otherwise, once activities begin, the floor is more likely to get scuffed up by anything that’s on the ground. This is also important from a safety perspective. 

It’s also important to do the same at the end of each day––walk the floor after all activities are over and clean any spills, dirt, or grit, then dust mop after.

For best results, use an autoscrubber

We highly recommend investing in a piece of equipment like the Nacecare TT1120. This will take your gym floor maintenance efforts to the next level. Anyone who has ever tried to whip their area gym floor into shape knows how much time it takes to get the job done. Gym floors are big, unwieldy places that require a lot of elbow grease to keep looking good. The TT 1120 is a tool that will help you get your floor cleaned comfortably and effortlessly without spending extra in labor costs or employee expenses. It has an ergonomic design and quickly breaks down into smaller pieces for easy transport. Click here to read more about the Nacecare TT1120.

Another option for an autoscrubber that we recommend is the Basic Coatings Dirt Dragon which provides many of the same benefits of the NaceCare TT1120. 

Refinish when necessary

To keep the gym floor looking fresh, you’ll have to get it refinished about every year or two, depending on the amount of use and ideally during the summer or off-season. Make sure to have a trusted, professional gym floor contractor who can take care of this for you. If you need a referral, check out our find a contractor service.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to keeping your gym floor looking and functioning in top shape for years to come! 

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