Over the past few years we’ve noticed more Spanish-speaking contractors calling in, using our services, and buying our products. We’ve decided to serve the needs of this growing community by beginning to translate some of our videos into Spanish with the help of Tomas Ochoa, our warehouse manager, who is bilingual and already serves the needs of our Spanish speaking customers.
While our website is not in Spanish, we do have a page featuring Tomas and some resources including videos in Spanish. We hope our Spanish speaking customers find it helpful!
Click here to view our introduction to Tomas in Spanish and to watch the video introducing Tomas in Spanish.
Here is the translation of this page in English:
Tomás is from Mexico but has been working for City Floor Supply for more than 12 years. He also enjoys woodworking and small projects.
Tomas is here to meet the needs of the Spanish-speaking community. You can expect personalized advice from Tomás in Spanish and all the right products for your hardwood floor projects, and even advice for specific problems in the workplace.
Suppose one of your clients has a difficult request: something complicated or something you have never done before. Trust us, it happens to all professionals at some time or another and without the right information you can turn the job into a nightmare.
If you are stuck on something and want to communicate in Spanish, just call our store at (800) 737-1786 and ask for Tomás.
When it comes to wood floors, he has seen it all. He can provide personalized help so you can resume your work with the answers you need. You can also call him directly from your jobsite, and he will explain your problem over the phone.
Call 800-737-1786 today and ask to speak with Tomás or email your question to tomas.ochoa@cityfloorsupply.com and he will answer within 24 hours (Monday through Friday). Buy in person from 7:00 a.m. m. at 5:00 p. m. (Eastern time) or online whenever you want.
We have everything you need!
Click here to buy online.
Please note that our website is in English. If you need help shopping online, call Tomás!
Watch some of our videos that are translated into Spanish by clicking here.