From April 25-27, 2017, we hosted an NWFA Intermediate Installation training right here at City Floor Supply’s National Headquarters. On April 28, we also hosted NWFACP certification testing.
Twelve contractors attended the training. They truly did some amazing work and learned a lot about proper NWFA-approved installation techniques. Everyone involved had a great time and did some awesome work––they impressed not just us and the instructor, but also themselves, and they will carry this knowledge with them to future job sites to propel their careers to the next level!
Becoming more than just installers
The students learned how to conduct an NWFA-approved hardwood floor installations from start to finish. They learned proper safety procedures, how to prime a subfloor, and how to use self-leveling
This Intermediate Installation training was about not just laying floors, but looking at the installation process in the context of an entire jobsite. Lenny Hall, the instructor, taught the contractors some upselling techniques to help the students build their businesses and think of themselves as not just installers, but pros who understand how to factor the context of the entire jobsite into their plans.
Lenny pushed the students to install some complicated patterns like chevron and herringbone. They took the challenge in stride, even going so far as to create custom borders on some of the panels.
The students who attended this training will take this knowledge with them to their jobs moving forward and really build up their brands and sell their services more effectively.
The true value of NWFA training
Here’s some feedback from contractors who attended the conference. They had a lot to say about what they learned and why they found it valuable:
Matt Warner of Atlantic Flooring is a self-taught installer who found a lot of value in the training in terms of installing floors the right way to ensure that his installations are NWFA-approved, which gives clients peace of mind. “I know how to do a lot of things, but knowing for sure that I’m doing them in
Curt Sandberg of Sandberg’s Custom Hardwood found that it was a good way to both keep his credentials updated and a great way to attract new business. Curt says, “I built most of my business based on what I learned in these classes––my whole business is built on this. A lot of installers don’t even know that these techniques exist.”
Dony Buendia, founder of DB Genesis Hardwood Flooring, was pleased to learn how to install herringbone floors. This was the first time the technique actually stuck for him. He was also excited to make connections, network, and learn about the newest tools on the market. “Every single year there are new products coming out, so you have to stay on top of it,” says Dony. “Participating in a training like this allows you to continue offering your clients the best of the best.”
All of the students who signed up for the certification testing passed––a sign that they really learned a lot!
Upcoming training events
If you missed the Intermediate Installation training, not to worry! There are more events to come.
Click here to sign up for our upcoming Rubio Monocoat training on Thursday, May 25! You will learn how to apply reactive stains, water-based stains, and LED cure oils, as well as care and maintenance techniques. There will also be a Rubio expert on-site to answer any technical questions you have.