The Unique Benefits of PoloPlaz Finish

PoloPlaz Primero

PoloPlaz hardwood floor finish is well known as a standout product for several reasons. Here’s what makes PoloPlaz Primero, and other PoloPlaz products, stand out from their competitors.

Unique Packaging

Most PoloPlaz polyurethane finishes are available in VOC and non-VOC compliant varieties. You would expect this to complicate the distribution of PoloPlaz—in most cases, non-VOC varieties of finish cannot be shipped out to certain parts of the country.

In regions where VOC regulations are in effect, vendors can only sell quart-sized containers of non-VOC compliant products. Distributors also have their hands tied—they cannot ship large quantities of non-VOC compliant products to these regions.

But instead of being restricted to buying cases of individual quart cans of PoloPlaz at a time to stock up, the product’s clever packaging offers the perfect solution.

Even if you live in a VOC-restricted region, you can buy a 5 gallon container size of PoloPlaz Primero or any other variety of PoloPlaz finish because the caddy contains 16 quart-sized bags. Certain varieties of PoloPlaz finish are also available in a pallet size, which contains even more of the product.

Click here to browse our inventory of PoloPlaz Oil-Based finish.

The way that PoloPlaz is packaged allows distribution in regions of the OTC with VOC restrictions, so there’s no need to worry about getting ahold of it if you live in one of these areas.

PoloPlaz’s quart packaging system makes the product easy to access in spite of restrictions and easy to handle on the job. Just squeeze the satin poly bags to mix up the flattening agent—there’s no need for stirring.


PoloPlaz Primero is extremely durable.

PoloPlaz is manufactured to be extremely scratch resistant and durable. It’s known for its hard cure, which makes it an especially reliable product.

PoloPlaz products are known for holding up and preserving their gloss extremely well, even under heavy abuse from athletes. So it makes sense that Poloplaz is used on many NCAA Division I floors, NBA floors, Olympic floors, and dance floors.

It’s also frequently used to coat floors in malls, museums, and other commercial settings that get a lot of foot traffic.

Although PoloPlaz products are commonly used in commercial and sports settings, certain varieties can also be applied to residential flooring.


Unlike most other finishes on the market, you can apply PoloPlaz finishes using any method—you can use a brush, roller, T-bar, or lambswool, depending on your preferences.

PoloPlaz also comes in several different varieties, each with their own set of unique glosses.

There are several lines of polyurethane PoloPlaz products. PoloPlaz Primero, PoloPlaz Primero 350 (low VOC), and PoloPlaz Supreme are all oil-based, and each one is available in Semi, Satin, Matte, and Gloss varieties.

PoloPlaz offers waterborne finishes as well. PoloPlaz Zenith is a two-component waterbased finish, and PoloPlaz Prism is a hybrid waterbased finish that you can use without a crosslinker. Like the oil-based PoloPlaz products, Zenith and Prism are available in Semi, Satin, Matte, and Gloss varieties, depending on what you’re looking for.

If you’re interested in ordering PoloPlaz products, click here to browse our selection and use our easy online ordering system, where you can shop 24/7. For any questions, or to place an order over the phone, contact us at (800) 737-1786.

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