Why the Woodwise Stair Jig is an Essential Tool

The Woodwise Stair Jig is an absolutely essential tool to have in your repertoire for situations where you’re working with staircases on a wood floor installation.

This jig allows you to measure the length and angle of the stair tread, and you can use this tool with either standard retro treads or the pre-bent vinyl stair treads from US Vinyl Floor Bending. 

To achieve complete accuracy, you have to measure every tread for length because stringers will vary, particularly in older houses. Not every tread will be exactly 36” in length. The stair jig allows you to measure length as well as the angle that the tread is running in or out.

This tool helps you make each cut as precise as possible, and is a much easier and more accurate option than using a measuring tape for the job. All joints of the stair jig lock tightly for dead-solid accuracy, and the T-bar angle adjusts to greater than 45 degrees. It’s very simple to use and will come in handy in any situation where you’re fitting treads to stairs.

As Mike says in the video above, this jig is a lifesaver. If you cut a tread too tight and then use a mallet to force it in, you run the risk of breaking the tread. This tool helps you avoid this and make sure that the size of the treads you’re installing precisely fit the stairs.

If you happen to need a longer jig for bigger treads, we have one available here. The extender will increase the length of the jig from 52” to 72”, and you can keep adding more extenders (each adds additional 20” in length) to span to any length of tread.

Click here to purchase the Woodwise Stair Jig. If you have any questions about this product, reach out to us at info@cityfloorsupply.com or call (800) 737-1786.

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