How to Prep Concrete for a Wide Plank Hardwood Flooring Installation

This awesome project consisted of contractor Chris Horst, owner of Hardwood Floors by Chris Horst, installing ¾” engineered flooring over concrete. This was a particularly challenging job because it was a below-grade install––over concrete and in a basement––with wide planks, which are more susceptible to being compromised by the presence of moisture. 

This process called for extra care and attention to detail, and luckily Chris and his team did an excellent job. With the right tools and know-how, you can complete a project like this too!

Here’s how they did it. 

How to Prep Concrete for a Wide Plank Installation

Concrete Prep for Wide Plank Floor Installation

They started off by grinding off any high spots and other problem areas in the concrete slab.

They vacced and tacked the floor, then applied Bona R540 primer and moisture vapor barrier. This effectively sealed the concrete and will help to stop any moisture vapor transmission that may come from underneath the slab, penetrating through the concrete, through the adhesive, and finally up to the floor. Bona R540 is a single-component product that’s very easy to use. 

After applying the Bona R540 and letting it dry, it was time to apply Bostik Greenforce, which provided additional moisture protection. Click here to read more about Bostik Greenforce and why we recommend using it in below-grade environments.

Between this combination of products, Chris ensured that virtually no moisture would get through the concrete slab and compromise the integrity of the installation. They created a 90-95% barrier to moisture vapor transmission.

Wide Plank Hickory Floors

Finally, after letting the adhesive dry, it was time to install the floors. Chris chose Wide Plank Floor Supply’s prefinished engineered 4”, 6”, 8” hickory floors with a beautiful Antique Mahogany stain. 

Chris wisely opted for an engineered product to ensure that the wide planks would have extra stability in the below-grade environment. If you’re looking for high-quality wide plank flooring, check out the selection at our sister company, Wide Plank Floor Supply, where we have a wide variety of excellent custom options available. 

If you ever need to install wide plank floors in a below-grade environment, Bostik Greenforce and Bona R540 are two products you’ll definitely want to have in your repertoire. 

Have you ever installed wide plank floors in a below-grade environment? If so, how did it go? Leave your feedback in the comments below!

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