How to Properly use the Primatech Prim-Jack when Installing Hardwood Floors

The Primatech Prim-Jack is an easy-to-use tool that aides in the installation of hardwood floors. The Prim-Jack is rated for use with all types of hardwood floors – solid prefinished and unfinished, as well as prefinished and unfinished engineered wood floors.  The jack has a non-marring base to protect against any potential scratches or marks on the floor.

You can use the Prim-Jack in two different ways. The tool can be placed along a wall to pull boards together, or can be screwed down on the subfloor somewhere in the room to push boards together. This is especially helpful on engineered flooring installs.

Pull Method

Place the Prim-Jack against the wall where you’d like to pull the boards together. Try to position the jack so it pushes against the wall studs. If the jack is not positioned against the wall studs, then place a piece of wood along the wall so it is in between two studs. The bottom lip of the Prim-Jack should go in the gap between the floor and the wall. Once the Prim Jack is correctly positioned, you can begin to ratchet the handle. Take care not to over exert the machine — it’s powerful enough to go through the wall and move the bottom wall plate!

Push Method

To use the push method with the Prim Jack you first need to unscrew the two large thumbscrews at the front of the machine. This will remove the bottom plate or “shoe” of the jack. Now place the jack on the subfloor where you need to push the floor boards together. There will be four holes on the Prim-Jack where you can fasten the jack to the floor using wood screws. Once the wood screws are in place you can begin to push the floor boards together.

To order a Primatech Prim-Jack call (800) 737-1786.

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