New Low Prices on Unfinished Wood Floors [DEAL EXPIRED]

Please note that the deal referenced in this blog post expired on 2/28/2018. Click here to view our latest deals and specials.

Throughout the next few weeks, we will be offering shockingly low prices on wood floors! We’re offering custom milled unfinished flooring for low prices throughout the entire month of February 2018.

Our custom mill’s standard length for this flooring is 18″ to 10′, but longer lengths of 2′ to 10′, 3′ to Deals on Unfinished Red and White Oak 10′, 4′ to 10′ and beyond can be requested. Further customization can be requested as well with these products in particular.

Select grade means that the wood usually contains a small amount of color. The planks contain minimal character markings, and have an average overall length. This is the most widely used grade of wood flooring.

The beauty of this sale is that red oak and white oak hardwood floors are each perfect for different purposes. White oak is typically the best flooring choice hands-down if you are doing any kind of staining. White oak readily accepts stains and penetrating oil, while red oak has a harder time doing so. The Janka hardness rating of white oak is also a bit higher than that of red oak, meaning that white oak more durable and resistant to damage.

However, red oak flooring has its own unique merits. It typically exhibits light golden to reddish pink tones which bring warmth into any space space. Red oak also tends to have more unique graining patterns than white oak.

Click here to read about the difference between white oak and red oak hardwood flooring.

The advantages of unfinished hardwood flooring

Unfinished wood is essentially the canvas of the wood floor contractor. You can stain them, pretreat them, and use any finish you want, provided the wood is compatible with the products you’re using.

Aacer Unfinished Red Oak Floors | City Floor Supply

You also are exposed to less risk of complications when installing unfinished wood floors due to the

fact that you’re starting with raw, natural wood. Therefore you know that wood does not contain any leftover products to conflict with the new products you’re putting down.

When it comes to unfinished vs. prefinished wood floors, there’s no competition in terms of which one showcases the natural beauty of the wood. Many prefinished floors have a UV finish which sometimes leads to a “plasticky” appearance, whereas with unfinished wood you are oftentimes able to use European Hardening Oil on unfinished wood to showcase its natural beauty.

We have more custom milled flooring available at Wide Plank Floor Supply – click here to browse our selection of wide plank wood floors!

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